Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Little update!!

Well I know I haven't updated for a while so here ya go. Let's see, we've moved into our new house and I LOVE it. Isabel loves it too. She especially loves her new room. I love the layout and it's just nice to finally have my own home again. I finished another semester of school and have one more to go. I think I can hang in there for one more. Nick has been very busy with snow plow which makes him happy. We had a wonderful Christmas with just our little family at home. Isabel gets the basic ideas of Santa and naughty and nice. Christmas morning she was so excited to see that Santa actually came and that he is real. The excitement in her eyes ways priceless. She opened all of her presents and then opened all of Joshua's. He didn't mind as long as he had the wrapping paper to play with. It was a beautiful thing to sit and watch our kids play and be so excited and they were just so happy. It was awesome!!!! So now it's new years and I get to make the goals for the year and hope I have at least started them by July. One goal is to graduate by May and that is a pretty safe goal to set.!! Then, right around the corner is Isabel's 3rd birthday!!! WOW she's going to be three years old. I can not believe it. She's such an amazing little girl and I love her so much. She's so adorable and has the sweetest spirit ever!!

Later on I will be posting some pictures of all the things that have gone on recently and try to get my page updated before school starts on the 12th. :( Gooo

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